Full Disclosure |
Although eSignal makes the information in the Services (the
"Information") available to you eSignal cannot and does not guarantee
that such Information is accurate, reliable, current, complete or appropriate
for your needs. Certain information that eSignal obtains from third
parties, such as the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, New York Mercantile
Exchange and Dow Jones (the "Data Providers"), is obtained from sources believed
to be accurate and reliable. Nevertheless, due to various factors, including the
inherent possibility of human and mechanical error, the accuracy, completeness,
timeliness, results obtained from use or correct sequencing of the Information
is not guaranteed by eSignal or any persons creating or transmitting
such Information. This Agreement is subject to any requirements of eSignal's Data
Providers, including such additional financial and contractual requirements as
may be imposed by such Data Providers from time to time.
Disclaimer regarding Investment Decisions and Trading:
Decisions to buy, sell, hold or trade in securities and other investments
involve risk and are best made based on the advice of qualified financial
professionals. Any trading in securities or other investments involves a risk of
substantial losses. The practice of "Day Trading" involves particularly high
risks and can cause you to lose substantial sums of money. Before undertaking
any trading program, you should consult a qualified financial professional.
Please consider carefully whether such trading is suitable for you in light of
your financial condition and ability to bear financial